

Integrative Psychological, Computational, and Mechanistic Approaches to Frontal Lobe Function Shenhav, A., Banich, M.T., Beste, C., Buschmann, T.J., Friedmann, N.P., Gratton, C., Koechlin, E., Schuck, N.W., Wang, X.J. & O'Doherty, J. 2024, The MIT Press url pdf   Influence of surprise on reinforcement learning in younger and older adults Koch, C., Zika, O., Bruckner, R. & Schuck, N.W. 2024, PLoS Computational Biology url pdf   [Preprint] Replay in Human Visual Cortex is Linked to the Formation of Successor Representations and Independent of Consciousness Wittkuhn, L., Krippner, L.M., Koch, C. & Schuck, N.W. 2024, bioRxiv url pdf   [Preprint] N2 Sleep Inspires Insight Löwe, A.T., Petzka, M., Tzegka, M. & Schuck, N.W. 2024, bioRxiv url pdf   [Preprint] Neural Priorisation of Past Solutions Supports Generalisation Hall-McMaster, S., Tomov, M., Gershman, S.J. & Schuck, N.W. 2024, bioRxiv url pdf   Grid-like entorhinal representation of an abstract value space during prospective decision making Nitsch, A., Garvert, M.M., Bellmund, J.S., Schuck, N.W. & Doeller, C.F. 2024, Nature Communications url pdf   Reduction of aversive learning rates in Pavlovian conditioning by angiotensin II antagonist losartan: a randomised controlled trial Zika O., Appel J., Klinge C., Shkreli L., Browning M., Wiech K. & Reinecke A. 2024, Biological Psychiatry url pdf   [Preprint]An inductive bias for slowly changing features in human reinforcement learning Hedrich, N.L., Schulz, E., Hall-McMaster, S., Schuck, N.W. 2024, bioRxiv url pdf  


Respiration modulates sleep oscillations and memory reactivation in humans Schreiner, T., Petzka, M., Staudigl, T. & Staresina, B. 2023, Nature Communications url pdf   Better late than never: sleep still supports memory consolidation after prolonged periods of wakefulness Petzka, M., Zika, O., Staresina, B.P., Cairney, S.A. 2023, Learning Memory url pdf   Goal-seeking compresses neural codes for space in the human hippocampus and orbitofrontal cortex Muhle-Karbe, P.S., Sheahan, H., Pezzulo, G., Spiers, H.J., Chien, S., Schuck, N.W., Summerfield, C. 2023, Neuron url pdf   The dorsomedial prefrontal cortex represents subjective value across effort-based and risky decision-making Yao, Y., Song, K., Schuck, N.W., Li, X., Fang, X., Zhang, J., Heekeren, H., Bruckner, R. 2023, NeuroImage url pdf   Trait anxiety is associated with hidden state inference during aversive reversal learning Zika, O., Wiechert, K., Reinecke, A., Browning, M., Schuck, N.W. 2023, Nature Communications url pdf   Task state representations in vmPFC mediate relevant and irrelevant value signals and their behavioral influencey Moneta, N., Garvert, M.M., Heekeren, H.R., Schuck, N.W. 2023, Nature Communications url pdf   Hippocampal spatio-predictive cognitive maps adaptively guide reward generalization Garvert, M.M. Saanum, T., Schulz, E., Schuck, N.W., Doeller, C.F. 2023, Nature Neuroscience url pdf   [Preprint] Reduction of aversive learning rates in Pavlovian conditioning by angiotensin II antagonist losartan Zika, O., Appel, J., Klinge, C., Shkreli, L., Browning, M., Wiech, K. & Reinecke, A. 2023, PsyArxiv url pdf   [Preprint] The relationship between latent state inference and (intolerance of) uncertainty Zika, O. 2023, PsyArxiv url pdf   Neural and psychophysiological markers of intolerance of uncertainty Morriss, J., Abend, R., Zika, O., Bradford, D.E., Mertens, G. 2023, International Journal of Psychophysiology url pdf   [Preprint] Reguarised Neural Networks Mimic Human Insight Löwe, A.T., Touzo, L., Muhle-Karbe, P.S., Saxe, A.M., Summerfield, C. and Schuck, N.W. 2023, arXiv url pdf  


L-DOPA enhances hippocampal direction signals in younger and older adults Koch, C., Bäuchl, C., Glöckner, F., Riedel, P., Petzold, J., Smolka, M., Li, S.-C. and Schuck, N.W. 2022, NeuroImage url pdf code   Spontaneous discovery of novel task solutions in children. Schuck, N.W., Li, A.X., Wenke, D., Ay-Bryson, D.S., Löwe, A.T., Gaschler, R. and Shing, Y.L. 2022, PLoS ONE url pdf code + data   Sleep spindles track cortical learning patterns for memory consolidation. Petzka, M., Chatburn, A., Charest, I., Balanos, G.M. and Staresina, B.P. 2022, Current Biology url pdf code + data   Decoding cognition from spontaneous neural activity. Liu, Y., Nour, M.M., Schuck, N.W., Behrens, T.E.J. & Dolan, R.J. 2022, Nature Reviews Neuroscience url pdf   [Preprint] Trait anxiety is associated with hidden state inference during aversive reversal learning Zika, O., Wiech, K., Reinecke, A., Browning, M. and Schuck, N.W. 2022, bioRxiv url pdf code + data   BrainIAK: The Brain Imaging Analysis Kit. Kumar, M., [...], Schuck, N.W., [...] 2022, Aperture Neuro url pdf code  


[Preprint] Hippocampal spatio-temporal cognitive maps adaptively guide reward generalization Garvert, Mona M., Saanum, T., Schulz, E., Schuck, N.W. and Doeller, C. F. 2021, bioRxiv url pdf   Orbitofrontal cortex and learning predictions of state transitions. Chan, S. C. Y. Schuck, N.W., Lopatina, N., Schoenbaum, G. and Niv, Y. 2021, Behavioral Neuroscience url   Differential prioritization of intramaze cue and boundary information during spatial navigation across the human lifespan Glöckner, F. Schuck, N.W. and Li, S.-C. 2021, Scientific Reports url pdf   Replay in minds and machines Wittkuhn, L., Chien, S., Hall-McMaster, S. and Schuck, N.W. 2021, Neuroscience and Behavioral Reviews url pdf code   [Preprint] Integrating reward information for prospective behaviour Hall-McMaster, S., Stokes, M.G. and Myers, N.E. 2021, bioRxiv url pdf   Dynamics of fMRI patterns reflect sub-second activation sequences and reveal replay in human visual cortex Wittkuhn, L. and Schuck, N.W. 2021, Nature Communications url pdf code + data   [Preprint] Parallel representation of context and multiple context-dependent values in ventro-medial prefrontal cortex Moneta, N., Garvert, M.M., Heekeren, H.R. and Schuck, N.W. 2021, bioRxiv url pdf   Control over patch encounters changes foraging behaviour Hall-McMaster, Dayan, P. and Schuck, N.W. 2021, iScience url pdf code + data  


Current topics in Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Hebart, M. and Schuck, N.W. 2020, Neuropsychologia url pdf   Impaired adaptation of learning to contingency volatility in internalizing psychopathology Gagne, C., Zika, O., Dayan, P., and Bishop, S.J. 2020, eLife url pdf   [Preprint] Orbitofrontal cortex and learning predictions of state transitions Chan, S. C.Y., Schuck, N.W., Lopatina, N., Schoenbaum, G. and Niv, Y. 2020, bioRxiv url pdf   Similarities and differences in spatial and non-spatial cognitive maps Wu, C.M., Schulz, E., Garvert, M.M., Meder, B. and Schuck, N.W. 2020, PLoS Computational Biology url pdf code + data   Brain network dynamics during spontaneous strategy shifts and incremental task optimization Allegra, M., Seyed-Allaei, S., Schuck, N.W., Amati, D., Laio, A. and Reverberi, C. 2020, NeuroImage url pdf code   Effects of aging on encoding of walking direction in the human brain Koch, C., Li, S.-C., Polk, TA and Schuck, N.W. 2020, Neuropsychologia url pdf code   [Preprint] Faster than thought: Detecting sub-second activation sequences with sequential fMRI pattern analysis Witttkuhn, Lennart and Schuck, N.W. 2020, bioRxiv url pdf  


Sequential replay of nonspatial task states in the human hippocampus Schuck, N.W. & Niv, Y. 2019, Science url pdf   Noisy galvanic vestibular stimulation modulates spatial memory in young healthy adults Hilliard, D., Passow, S., Thurm, F., Schuck, N.W., Garthe, A., Kempermann, G. & Li, SC 2019, Scientific Reports url pdf   Representational structure or task structure? Bias in neural representational similarity analysis and a Bayesian method for reducing bias Cai, M., Schuck, N.W., Pillow, J. & Niv, Y. 2019, PLoS Computational Biology doi:10.1101/347260 url pdf   Incidental covariation learning leading to strategy change Gaschler, R., Schuck, N.W., Reverberi, C., Frensch, PA & Wenke, D. 2019, PLoS ONE url pdf   [Preprint] Early development of self-guided strategy improvements in children Schuck, N.W., Wenke, D., Ay, DS, Löwe, A., Gaschler, R. and Shing, Y. 2019, PsyArXiv url pdf   An Integrated Model of Action Selection: Distinct Modes of Cortical Control of Striatal Decision Making Sharpe, M., Stalnaker, T., Schuck, N.W., Killcross, S., Schoenbaum, G. & Niv, Y. 2019, Annual Review of Psychology url pdf  


[Preprint] Brain network dynamics during spontaneous strategy shifts and incremental task optimization Allegra, M., Allaei, SS, Schuck, N.W., Amati, D., Laio, A. & Reverberi, C. 2018, bioRxiv url pdf   Connecting conceptual and spatial search via a model of generalization Wu, C., Schulz, E., Garvert, M., Meder, B. & Schuck, N.W. 2018, Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society url pdf   [Book Chapter] A state representation for reinforcement learning and decision-making in the orbitofrontal cortex Schuck, N.W., Wilson, R. & Niv, Y. 2018, Chapter in Book "Goal-Directed Decision Making: Computations and Neural Circuits" 259-278, doi: 10.1101/210591 url pdf   Aging and a genetic KIBRA polymorphism interactively affect feedback- and observation-based probabilistic classification learning Schuck, N.W.*, Petok, J.*, Meeter, M., Schjeide, B.-M., Schröder, J., Bertram, L., Gluck, M.A. & Li, S.-C. 2017, Neurobiology of Aging in press, doi: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2017.08.026 * these authors contributed equally url pdf supp  


The role of mental maps in decision-making Kaplan, R.*, Schuck, N.W.* & Doeller, C.F. 2017, Trends in Neurosciences 40(5), 256-259, doi: 10.1016/j.tins.2017.03.002 * these authors contributed equally url / pdf  


Human orbitofrontal cortex represents a cognitive map of state space Schuck, N.W., Cai, M., Wilson, R. & Niv, Y. 2016, Neuron 91(1), 1402–1412, doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2016.08.019 url / pdf / supp   A Bayesian method for reducing bias in neural representational similarity analysis Cai, M., Schuck, N.W., Pillow, J. & Niv, Y. 2016, Neural Information Processing Systems 91, doi: 10.1101/073932 url / pdf   Electrophysiological correlates of observational learning in children Buritica, J.M.R., Eppinger, B., Schuck, N.W., Heekeren, H. R. & Li, S.-C. 2016, Developmental Science 19, 699–709 url / pdf / supp   Dopamine modulation of spatial navigation memory in parkinson’s disease Thurm, F., Schuck, N.W., Fauser, M., Doeller, C.F., Stankevich, Y., Evens, R., Riedel, O., Storch, A., Lueken, U. & Li, S.-C. 2016, Neurobiology of Aging 38, 93-103. doi: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2015.10.019 url / pdf  


Human aging alters the neural computation and representation of space Schuck, N.W., Doeller, C.F., Polk, T.A., Lindenberger, U. & Li, S.-C. 2015, NeuroImage 117, 141-150. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.05.031 url / pdf / supp   Medial prefrontal cortex predicts internally driven strategy shifts Schuck, N.W., Gaschler, R., Wenke, D., Heinzle, J., Haynes, J.-D. & Reverberi, C. 2015, Neuron 86(1), 331-340. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2015.03.015 url / pdf / supp
Article covered in Der Spiegel, Berliner Zeitung and Princeton Journal Watch   [Commentary] How to divide and conquer the world, one step at a time Daniel, R., Schuck, N.W. & Niv, Y. 2015, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112(10), 2929- 2930. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1500975112 url / pdf  


Effects of aging and dopamine genotypes on the emergence of explicit memory during sequence learning Schuck, N.W., Frensch, P.A., Schjeide, B.-M. , Bisenack, J. , Bertram, L. & Li, S.-C. 2013, Neuropsychologia 51(13), 2757- 2769. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2013.09.009 url / pdf Aging and KIBRA/WWC1 genotype affect spatial memory processes in a virtual navigation task Schuck, N.W., Doeller, C.F., Schjeide, B.-M., Bisenack, J., Frensch, P.A., Bertram, L. & Li, S.-C. 2013, Hippocampus 23(10), 919-930. doi: 10.1002/hipo.22148 url / pdf Reduced striatal responses to reward prediction errors in older compared with younger adults Eppinger, B., Schuck, N.W., Nystrom, L.E., & Cohen, J.D. 2013, Journal of Neuroscience 33(24), 9905-9912. doi: 10.1523/jneurosci.2942-12.2013 url / pdf


Position–item associations play a role in the acquisition of order knowledge in an implicit serial reaction time task. Schuck, N.W., Gaschler, R., Keisler, A., & Frensch, P.A. 2012, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition 38(2), 440-456. doi: 10.1037/a0025816 url / pdf Implicit learning of what comes when and where within a sequence: The time-course of acquiring serial position-item and item-item associations to represent serial order Schuck, N.W., Gaschler, R., & Frensch, P.A. 2012, Advances in Cognitive Psychology 8(2), 83-97. doi: 10.2478/v10053-008-0106-0 url / pdf [Book Chapter] Temporal neuronal oscillations can produce spatial phase codes Burgess, C., Schuck, N.W. & Burgess, N. 2010. In S. Dehaene and E. Brannon (Ed.), Attention & Performance XXIV. Space, Time and Number in the Brain (pp. 59-69). Amsterdam, NL: Elsevier url / pdf


Konzentration kann blind machen (german) Interview about the 2015 Neuron paper 2015. DER SPIEGEL 15, p. 111 url / pdf Konzentration kann kontraproduktiv sein (german) Interview about the 2015 Neuron paper 2015. Berliner Zeitung April 29, 99, p. 7 pdf Bitte drängeln, dann geht alles schön der Reihe nach – wie wir Reihenfolgen abspeichern und wiedergeben (german) Gaschler, R. & Schuck, N.W. 2015. Das In-Mind Magazin 4/2015, url
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